The St. Clair's Church of Christ is a nondenominational church built upon the foundation and principles of the Word of God. Jesus is the head of His church and we have a plurality of Elders to shepherd the flock and Deacons to oversee the ministry needs of the congregation. This local church has served this community since 1885 and faithfully proclaimed the message of Jesus Christ.
The mission of our church is to evangelize the lost, equip the saved, and minister to those in need. We follow the pattern of the first century church in gathering ourselves each Lord's Day to observe the Lord's Supper. We accept baptism by immersion as the response of believers to the invitation of Jesus Christ.
We adhere to no manmade creeds or doctrines only what is written in the inspired Word of God. We also believe in the principles of the Restoration movement that calls us to do Bible things in Bible ways.
Jesus said " Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16: 15-16) Our desire and hope is that we the members of St. Clair's Church of Christ shall do our part in passing on the love of Jesus Christ to those who follow us and prepare others for Jesus' return.
Sunday Service - 8:30 AM Traditional
Breakfast - 9:30 AM
Sunday Services - 10 AM Sunday School
Sunday Service - 11 AM Contemporary
Sunday Night Service - 6 AM
Wednesday Night Service - 7 PM
Youth Ministry is important in the life of the Church! Activities are planned year-round for our youth. One of our main goals is to better equip our youth spiritually as they prepare for life as a young adult.
Tuesday, July 21st Blood Drive from 2 to 7 pm. Come out and give blood.
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